Parent Drop Off

Parent Drop Off Time: 8:30 - 8:50 AM 

We will be going back to our drop off plan from 2019-2020. Students WILL NOT be dropped off by pulling around the back of the building as we did last year. Families dropping off students by car should pull into the parking lot from Scoville Road, stay to the right, and pull up toward the front of the building and follow these directions:

● Follow the signs to the designated drop off area

● Stay in line. Do not pull around other vehicles

● Have your child ready to exit the vehicle on the right (passenger) side only

● Pull up as far as you can, then have your child exit the vehicle. Do not get out of your car.

Staff will assist with opening car doors.

● Check on your left for incoming buses before exiting the drop off line to your left

Keep our office staff updated. Please alert us prior to 11:15 AM on half days and 3:00 PM on full days of any changes to your child’s dismissal plan. You can email us at: 

There  are often  many  parent  drop  offs  and  we  ask  that  children  are  ready  to  exit the  vehicle  and  parents  move  along  safely  when  it  is  their  turn  in  the  drop  off  line.

 To facilitate  a  safe  and  efficient  drop  off,  we  ask  that  children  exit  only  on  the  passenger  side of  the  vehicle.

 We  also  ask  that  children  exit  their parent’s  vehicle  at all  locations  within the  parent  drop off  zone  and parents  do not wait to pull  up  closer  to  the  school to  drop  their  children off.  This slows the  process 10 down  tremendously. 

If  you  want  to  escort  your  child  to  the  door,  or  if  you  need  to  enter the  building,  park in  the  lot  at  the  front  of  the  building.