Early and Emergency Dismissal Days
Several afternoons during the school year have been set aside for conferences and professional development. The school calendar lists predetermined early dismissal days. Please take advantage of these days to schedule doctor and dental appointments or other commitments which might otherwise take your child out of school.
Late-forming storms could require early dismissal for all schools. Other unforeseen circumstances could cause one or more schools to be dismissed early. In the event school will be closing early because of bad weather or another emergency, announcements will be made. Information regarding school cancellation will be delivered automatically to parents through our automated messaging service. (See above) Emergency school closing information is also shared through local radio, television, or by accessing the school’s website. At the start of each school year, parents are asked to complete a form regarding emergency school closings. This form will be utilized by the school’s staff in the event of an emergency closing. The form indicates the emergency dismissal procedure for your child. Please review the form each fall when school opens and ensure its return to our office. The school will not deviate from this plan unless written permission is given from the parent.