
Hope PGS families and friends enjoy the winter break and happy holidays to those who celebrate!  Wishing you a healthy and happy 2022! 

Thank you PGS for your time, support, financial contributions, and participation in PGS PTO activities in 2021!  We have raised vital funds to support enrichment programs for every grade, school improvements, support and appreciation for staff, and family events.  Thank you for your hundreds and hundreds of volunteer hours!  Volunteers are an important part of the PGS community! 


Some highlights from Fall 2021:

August 2021 – Popsicle Playground Social (new event for all grades K-4)

Re-painted playground games/lines and re-landscaped with fresh perennials/shrubs

September 2021 – Summer Reading Dance Party

September 2021 – Began successful One and Done fundraiser (Thank you for the $3,100 raised!)

October 2021 – Pickin’ Patch Partnership and Family Fun Event (2nd year!)

October 2021 – Trunk or Treat (new event!)

November 2021 – Lyman Orchard Pies Fundraiser (Thank you for the $2,709!)

           December 2021 – Scholastic Book Fair (Raised $3,000 in cash and $2,000 in Scholastic Dollars)


PTO Funding as of 12/2021:

New perennials and boxwoods at PGS Scoville Rd entrance, pots along the front entrance, and the Courtyard.

Back to School Popsicles on the Playground Social

Teacher Stipends for Classroom Materials & Expenses

Monthly Kindness Cart “traveling” the PGS hallways bringing all staff snacks and drinks once a month

Luncheon for all staff during back to school and parent/teacher November conferences

New Pop-Up tents for PGS and PTO use

Little Free Library House to be installed Spring 2022

100% funding of in class field trips for all grades K-4

100% funding of One School, One Book literacy program (March 2022)

Four (4) new rolling library display carts – increase accessibility for younger/smaller students (Scholastic Book Fair proceeds)

Ben’s Bells Mural (Spring 2022 installation)


We look forward to seeing PGS families in 

Winter and Spring 2022!

Thank you PGS! 

New In Class Field Trip!

On Thursday 12/16, 3rd and 4th graders will be enjoying a virtual author visit with Pennsylvania author, Heidi Mottin, and her rescue dog Reed!  They will be sharing their message about second chances and it is a powerful true story of love, rescue, and hope.  

This is a new "in class field trip" enrichment experience that is funded entirely by PTO funds.  Please be sure to ask your students what they learned!  Teachers will be sharing more information after the presentation including options for purchasing a book if your family is interested.  K-2 graders will enjoy the presentation in January. 

Thank you for your support in making these special programs and experiences possible!