The Towpath School
Towpath school
Did you know that PGS was build to replace the old Towpath School?
The original Towpath School was built where the Avon School Administrative Offices are now. When the school opened in 1879 it had only two rooms. Two more rooms and an office were added in 1920 and again in 1927. A new brick school was built in 1949.
Towpath School, 1929
Towpath School, 1949
After students have attended Towpath school for 112 years the final bell rang in 1991! During the summer of 1991 a time capsule placed in 1948 in Towpath school was opened. The vault at Towpath contained four coins, a stick of gum and official papers, such as the 1948 town report.
Click here to read an article about the event!
At the time Mr. Mark Nolan was the last principal of Towpath school and the first PGS principal.
1990 -1991 was a bittersweet time for Towpath staff members, teachers, and students!
Click here to learn how Towpath School greeted the first day of their last year!
The Towpath School ★ The PGS Flag ★ Time Capsules ★ The PGS Song